Friday 17 June 2011


i dream that i can be happy. at the moment, i don't allow myself to be happy. or to relax. or go to sleep. it's horrible. and destructive to myself and more so to my family.

Wednesday 15 June 2011


yes. i'm back to my old dream. the good old photographer. actually, i was thinking about that yesterday already, when we had our department do, and the university's official photographer was there. it would be amazing to be able to turn out good photos everytime. then, went out today and took some photos. aint used my dslr for ages. i really am crap at taking photos.

Tuesday 14 June 2011

to care

i feel quite sad actually. just stumbled across a friend's blog. said that she had lost her faith. don't believe no more. looking back, i should have done something about it. i should have known, should have made the effort to make contact to care more. i'm not saying that i'm the reason for her decision, but i should have DONE something about it. i've failed as a leader. havent cared for the other sheep in my flock. Lord, i'm sorry.

so today, i wish i could be a better carer. a better leader. to be someone who can go look for those who are lost, and not wait for them to come to me. as the good shepherd went out to look for the one lost sheep and left the 99.

Lord, hear my prayer: may you have mercy and bring the lost back into your presence

my dream is to win souls back for Christ.

Monday 13 June 2011


i have no dream today.

just dream that i can relax. sleep and sleep and sleep and never have to wake up here again

Sunday 12 June 2011


i dream that i can be an angel in heaven. just one amongst the dominions of all the other angels and archangels in the heavenly realms; who's pure existence is to glorify and worship God.

i dream that one day every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Saturday 11 June 2011

book shop

so, this is my first blog....

why am i setting this thing up? may be i want to be a writer, but i never have the patience to sit in front of the PC and think properly in order to write something half decent or worthwhile. i dunno really....may be i'm just writing this because i'm sad and need some place to escape. who knows. anyways....

my dream today is to have a christian bookshop. why? it was the pentecost celebration in town today and i couldn't make it cuz i had to go to work. but, anyhow, i went there early and they were setting up. i chatted a little bit to the guy who was in charge of the bookstore and mentioned that it was such a shame that hull doesn't have one anymore. there is a need for christian resources in the city. there are christians.

wouldn't it be great if there was a place where christians can share and exchange and encourage. sure, we all do that in our own church, but not that much happens within the general have a chrisitian cafe/bookstore/resource/ could be a tiny stall in the shopping centre, an actual shop, or it could be mobile, like a van.....

christians can meet to shine out together.